Instructions is a very comfortable and simple environment for marking one’s everyday working hours.
Registration – In order to register yourself, insert the full name of your company and e-mail address into the registration form. A password is sent to the e-mail address you entered. We recommend to replace the received password with a more suitable password for you.
Inserting employees – Employees can be inserted by logging in to the account you have created for the company and clicking on the link Add user. Insert the data of the employee into the pop-up window and determine his/her hourly rates.
Fill in the Overtime rate field only if the employee’s overtime salary rate is different from the normal working time salary rate. Overtime rates can also be inserted daily in the table of hours (only when logging in as a company because this feature is not enabled for the employees). When clicking on Save, we send a password to the employee’s e-mail address. The password can then be changed by the employee.
Closing the columns – All columns in the table of hours are open by default, however, you can close all columns that you do not need to use by clicking on the Settings option.
Into the column Beginning and end of the working day write the respective times when you got to work and when you left work. Separate hours and minutes with a full stop or a colon. Write the time out in full, e.g.: 8:00 not 8.
Into the column Working hours write the number of working hours in a day, for instance, if you have worked eight and a half hours, write 8.5 not 8.30 (8 h and 30 min). In order to avoid fraud, the overwritten numbers will change into red, giving the employee a warning.
Into the column Overtime write all working hours which are remunerated differently from the usual working hours (overtime work, work during holidays and days off). If such working hours are not remunerated differently, write them all into the column Working hours. In order to avoid fraud, the overwritten numbers will change into red, giving the employee a warning.
The column Overtime rate is filled in by the employer.
Into the column Bonus write all remunerations which are paid as bonuses per day, e.g.: fuel compensation, dinner, etc.
Into the column Job description write the description of works performed during that day, the name of the object, etc. in a free form.
Before printing, the table of hours has to be saved in your computer by using the PDF icon. If you do not wish to show all columns when saving/printing the document, close such columns beforehand by clicking on the Settings option.
Have a pleasant use of the system!